

Learning4 Tech

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The main objective of our space is the promotion of democratic education as a viable educational model, in accordance with Articles 10 and 27, Section 21 of the Spanish Constitution, and Article 26 of the Declaration of Human Rights. This approach promotes the democratic values of self-determination, mutual respect, and trust, basing our methodology on the theory given by Albert Schweitzer, called “The Reverence for Life.”


The name Learning 4 Tech is not derived from "learning for technology", as some may think, but from Learning 4.0 Technologies, technologies of learning for the Economy 4.0.

With this, we clearly position ourselves with a positive vision towards the future, supporting the transition towards new technologies.

We believe that these changes will have important effects on the development of all people and we want to help our community prepare for these changes. In this context, we give the highest priority to the development of ethical sensitivity as a key competence for the future.


In general, three aspects are evaluated in all learning topics:

  1. Knowledge
  2. Skills
  3. Personal development

Methodology and teaching program

The general learning framework is that given by the principles of Community Learning.
According to the learning scope, existing frameworks or those created by us are used.

Primary and Secondary Compulsory Education

Our courses in compulsory education subjects for primary (EIP), secondary (ESO), and institute are governed according to the framework of the Organic Law for the Improvement of Educational Quality (LOMCE).

Methodology for foreign languages

The methodology of our language learning group focuses on the rapid acquisition of active linguistic skills and knowledge in a foreign language, that is, knowing how to express oneself and orient oneself in an environment of a non-native language.

To do this, we use the framework given by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

Values, culture and literature

The contents on values, culture, and literature are also enriched by our focus on practice, applying theories of the ASUWADA method and resources promoted by EUROPEANA.
To experience these principles directly you can also join the Tomelloso Reading Club.

Music and Plastic Arts

Music education and the plastic arts are based on Al-Farabi's theories, as developed as a didactic framework by our own team.
We also occasionally include elements of other modern theories such as the existential psychology of Julien Friedler, Maria Montessori's methods, and many more.
The arts, especially music, play a differentiating role in our methodology, since they are considered as the main link to learn any other discipline.

Philosophy and routines

The main philosophy and our routines are based on Wu Shu and monastic life.

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